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姓 名:单保庆职 称:研究员 职 务:课题组长电 话:010-62922031 Email:bqshan@rcees.ac.cn 所属课题组:水环境与水生态研究组 研究方向:N、P等营养物质在流域水系统中多界面迁移转化机理研究;河流水污染控制技术研究




  1. 天津市科技创新专项:多水源开发与循环利用成套技术示范工程,2006-2008
  2. 973计划:黄淮海典型湿地演化过程与退化表征,2006-2010
  3. 水专项:海河流域水污染综合治理技术集成与总体方案,2008-2010
  4. 支撑计划:典型区域村镇分散型污水处理技术集成研究与综合示范,2009-2011
  5. 公益专项:汉江流域生态环境安全保障措施研究,2011-2012
  6. 水专项:海河流域重污染河流水质改善成套整装技术集成与综合示范,2012-2015
  7. 水专项:海河流域河流生态完整性影响机制与恢复途径研究,2012-2015
  8. 水专项:滏阳河中游重污染支流澧河水质改善综合示范,2012-2015
  9. 水专项:重庆主城重污染河流污染源解析与技术方案研究,2012-2015
  10. 水专项:山地城市面源污染(迁移段)控制技术研究与示范,2012-2015
  11. 横向:长春西湖流域黑臭水体治理实施方案,2016
  12. 横向:白洋淀生态修复规划——生态修复与国家公园规划,2016-2017


  1. 中青年科技创新领军人才(2012)
  2. “十一五”国家环境保护科技工作先进个人(2013)
  3. 第二批国家“万人计划”领军人才(2016)


  1. Qinghua Ji, Xiaoqiang An, Huijuan Liu*, Lin Guo, Jiuhui Qu. Electric Double-Layer Effects Induce Separation of Aqueous Metal Ions. ACS Nano 2015, 9(11), 10922-10930.
  2. Zhang Hong,Shan Baoqing* . Historical Distribution and Partitioning of Phosphorus in Sediments in an Agricultural Watershed in the Yangtze Huaihe Region, China. Environmental Science Technology 2008,42(7): 2328-2333
  3. Zhang Hong, Shan Baoqing*. Historical records of heavy metal accumulation in sediments and the relationship with agricultural intensification in the Yangtze Huaihe region, China. Science of The Total Environment 2008,399(1-3): 113-120
  4. Shan,Baoqing*,Hu Chunming,Tang Wenzhong . Variations in Phosphorus Speciation in Pilot Scale Subsurface Flow Wetlands Constructed with Blast Furnace Slag and Gravel. Clean-Soil Air Water 2009,37(10): 818-825
  5. Chunming Hu,Baoqing Shan*. Phosphorus Removal Performance and Mechanisms of a Constructed Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetlands Treating Reclaimed Water. Environmental Engineering Science 2009, 26(6):1097-1106
  6. Tang Wenzhong, Shan Baoqing*,Zhang Hong . Heavy metal sources and associated risk in response to agricultural intensification in the estuarine sediments of Chaohu Lake Valley, East China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010,176(1-3) 945-951
  7. Wenzhong Tang, Baoqing Shan*, Hong Zhang . Phosphorus buildup and release risk associated with agricultural intensification in the estuarine sediments of Chaohu Lake Valley, East China Clean-Soil Air Water 2010,38(4):336-343.
  8. Tang Wenzhong, Cui Jingguo, Shan Baoqing, Wang Chao,Zhang Wenqiang. Heavy Metal Accumulation by Periphyton Is Related to Eutrophication in the Hai River Basin, Northern China Plos One 2014, 9(1):1-7
  9. Wenzhong Tang, Baoqing Shan, Hong Zhang, Wenqiang Zhang, Yu Zhao, Yuekui Ding, Nan Rong, Xiaolei Zhu.Heavy Metal Contamination in the Surface Sediments of Representative Limnetic Ecosystems in Eastern China. Scientific Reports 2014, 4:1-7
  10. Wenzhong Tang, Baoqing Shan, Wenqiang Zhang, Hong Zhang, Lishuo Wang, Yuekui Ding. Heavy Metal Pollution Characteristics of Surface Sediments in Different Aquatic Ecosystems in Eastern China: A Comprehensive Understanding. Plos One 2014, 9(9): 1-7
  11. Wenqiang Zhang, Baoqing Shan, Hong Zhang,Wenzhong Tang. Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance assignments of biogenic phosphorus compounds in sediment of an artificial Fuyangxin River, China , Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, 21(5): 3803-3812
  12. Yuekui Ding , Baoqing Shan*, Yu Zhao.Assessment of River Habitat Quality in the Hai River Basin, Northern China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015,12:11699-11717.
  13. Wenqiang Zhang, Baoqing Shan*, Jie Li, Wenzhong Tang, Xin Jin, Hong Zhang,Yuekui Ding, Yuanyue Wang, Xiaolei Zhu.Characteristics, distribution and ecological risk assessment of phosphorus in surface sediments from different ecosystems in Eastern China: A 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance studyEcological Engineering. 2015,75:264-271.
  14. Yu Zhao, Baoqing Shan*, Wenzhong Tang, Hong Zhang. Nitrogen mineralization and geochemical characteristics of amino acids in surface sediments of a typical polluted area in the Haihe River Basin, China. Environmental science and pollution research international. 2015,22:17975-17986.
  15. Nan Rong and Baoqing Shan*, Total, chemical, and biological oxygen consumption of the sediments in the Ziya River watershed, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016. 23(13): p. 13438-13447.
  16. Baoqing Shan*, Yuekui Ding, and Y. Zhao, Development and preliminary application of a method to assess river ecological status in the Hai River Basin, north China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016. 39: p. 144-154.
  17. Chao Wang, Wanying Zhai, and Baoqing Shan*, Oxygen microprofile in the prepared sediments and its implication for the sediment oxygen consuming process in a heavily polluted river of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016. 23(9): p. 8634-8643.
  18. Hong Zhang .Aeolian input of phosphorus to a remote lake induced increase of primary production at the Tibetan Plateau. Rsc Advances, 2016. 6(99): p. 96853-96860.
  19. Wenqiang Zhang. Composition of phosphorus in wetland soils determined by SMT and solution 31P-NMR analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016. 23(9): p. 9046-9053.
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